Longford Castle Visit 26th April 2023 led by Ken Garrod
This visit was well worth Ken’s effort over the past 3 years to get us there. This is a private stately home only open 28 days a year and only open to trips organised by the National Gallery or clubs like our own. It is a house with rich history dating back to Elizabeth 1 who favoured the owner with the treasure from a captured Spanish galleon. The history is intact from the First Earl Radnor to the present day 9th Earl Radnor. It was stated by our guide that the family history has been charted by paintings of each generation by the most gifted artists of the day in lieu of photographs. There are many Gainsboroughs, Reynolds, Van Dycks as well as Holbein, Peter Breugel and a vast number of famous but lesser known artists. There are many pieces of priceless Chippendale furniture and wonderful china collections. The rooms were comfortable sizes but the contents of each room stunning. Apart from selling just two major masterpieces to the National Gallery the collection mainly gathered by the 2nd Earl is intact. The castle and the grounds are beautiful and we were all thrilled that we had a rare chance to go inside.
After the visit we had a cold buffet lunch at the Radnor Arms it gave us a chance to discuss what we had seen. While it was not possible to take photos inside the castle it was possible to take pictures of the grounds.
Distant View of Castle and Garden
Close up of the Castle
A view of the castle
A bronze in the garden