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The club welcomes New Members and Guests. If you wish to invite a guest please inform the secretary by email before 12 noon on the previous Tuesday. If unable to email telephone him on 01590622501.



Attendance at Future Monthly Club Meetings from July 2022 meeting onwards

To remind you:

  • Please indicate in the red book or on the website if you already know that you will be absent from a future Probus meeting.

  • Alternatively, Members must notify the Club Secretary of their intended absence before 12.00 noon on the Tuesday, preceding a meeting, otherwise you will be charged for lunch

  • If you are attending as a Member Designate you must notify the Club Secretary before 12.00 noon on the Tuesday, preceding a meeting, otherwise no lunch will be available for you

  • Please indicate in the red book or on the website if you already know that you will be bringing a guest to a future Probus meeting - write down both your name and the guest's name or make two entries on the website one for you and one for your guest.

This early advice to the Club Secretary will greatly assist him in determining future numbers attending meetings and will ensure that the correct number of lunches can be ordered and that you are not charged for lunch at a meeting that you do not attend!).

Arrangements for the Christmas meeting may differ.

Booking and Payment procedures for social events and outings

  1. If you wish to participate in a social event please put your name and the number of attendees in the Red Book or on the website as early as possible. This will enable the committee to assess the financial feasibility of the event.

  2. The Club will ask for full payment for the outing usually one or two months prior to the date it is scheduled to take place.

  3. If you change your mind and wish to withdraw your name from the event, please contact the Social Co-ordinator as soon as possible. However, if the Club has already made a financial commitment for the event no refund will be made to you. Exceptions to this policy on refunds will be if the event is fully booked and a reserve list is in place or if the member who withdraws is able to find a suitable replacement(s). It will not be the responsibility of the Club to find replacements

  4. Finally, our events are not solely restricted to members, their partners or widows although they will be given priority. Some events may become open to friends and members of other Probus Clubs depending upon the participating numbers.​

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